But I didn't notice what exactly caused it, as I was updating several games at the time. I also used the portal first time to patch the game, and I also run out of disk space. Same functionality, but with 3 times as much memory needed.

Even that could be related to cache files or something like that, if they have been created with 64 bit version and would require clearing. The funniest part is when I tried running the 32 bit client, it used about 1.7 GB of mem instead of the 6-8 GB of 64 bit version, and the only thing that didn't work on the 32 bit version, was heat and night vision. The portal and it's preceding launcher are 32 bit programs. Anyway 4.5 hours later patch was done and my system returned to normal running once patcher was completed. Considering the problem I had patching I thought it odd that the patcher claimed to be a 32 bit application in my Task Manager. Thanks I am aware, but my MWO has been running 64 bit since we were able to do so a few years ago.